Name of words with 3 or more syllables?
Is a word on which one is spoken monosyllabic? Four syllables are “disyllabic”, three are “trisyllabic” and so on. On the word “polysyllabic”, you may find a word that was more than one syllable. Is there a single word for words that are more than two (“three, four, five, and so on”)?
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If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary,
: have more than one and usually more than three
(M:POLYSYLLABIC *multisyllabic *).
As one multisyllabic word meaning an antonym.
If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary,
: have more than one and usually more than three
(M:POLYSYLLABIC *multisyllabic *).
As one multisyllabic word meaning an antonym.
If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary,
: have more than one and usually more than three
(M:POLYSYLLABIC *multisyllabic *).
As one multisyllabic word meaning an antonym.
If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
If you have 3+ syllables, I would not bother. And if you really want 3 more syllables would be an example example of this.
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary,
: have more than one and usually more than three
(M:POLYSYLLABIC *multisyllabic *).
As one multisyllabic word meaning an antonym.