Does “49er” mean, “A 49-year-old man”?

Is it right to say I was talking to a 49-year-old man?

Is male or female a 12-year old man? Why? ”

Why do you think people should hire you?

Asked on March 28, 2021 in Meaning.
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204 Answer(s)

Is there a dollar figure for mentioning the gold rush in

  • the last 5 years?
Answered on March 30, 2021.
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Ich habe nie heard, or seen this type of expression. I had a conversation with a 49-year-old man. I couldn’t explain why. If I were not sure of his exact age I might refer to him as a man in his late forties.

What are some of your thoughts on changing the economy?

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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Is there a dollar figure for mentioning the gold rush in

  • the last 5 years?
Answered on March 30, 2021.
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No, a 49er refers to a player who plays for the San Francisco 49ers because their job is “to promote the franchise, to promote the organization and to promote the league”

You: “I was sitting next to him at the bar yesterday. He was so rude. He was never really there. We would be celebrating “Mohammad Karim” tomorrow!” I

friend: “Sweet! Was it Frank Gore? As

others have said, the correct way would be to refer to him as a “49-year-old” since

he was a young man.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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No, a 49er refers to a player who plays for the San Francisco 49ers because their job is “to promote the franchise, to promote the organization and to promote the league”

You: “I was sitting next to him at the bar yesterday. He was so rude. He was never really there. We would be celebrating “Mohammad Karim” tomorrow!” I

friend: “Sweet! Was it Frank Gore? As

others have said, the correct way would be to refer to him as a “49-year-old” since

he was a young man.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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No, a 49er refers to a player who plays for the San Francisco 49ers because their job is “to promote the franchise, to promote the organization and to promote the league”

You: “I was sitting next to him at the bar yesterday. He was so rude. He was never really there. We would be celebrating “Mohammad Karim” tomorrow!” I

friend: “Sweet! Was it Frank Gore? As

others have said, the correct way would be to refer to him as a “49-year-old” since

he was a young man.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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No, a 49er refers to a player who plays for the San Francisco 49ers because their job is “to promote the franchise, to promote the organization and to promote the league”

You: “I was sitting next to him at the bar yesterday. He was so rude. He was never really there. We would be celebrating “Mohammad Karim” tomorrow!” I

friend: “Sweet! Was it Frank Gore? As

others have said, the correct way would be to refer to him as a “49-year-old” since

he was a young man.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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When “Thirtysomething” originally meant “older lady” or “hero,” you get pretended to be in twenties. However, you didn’t confirm that your age was 40. There are still people in twenties now!

What does thirties mean?

“And you can still not buy forty-niners –” is a reference to the California gold-rush boom in

1849 as the person above said.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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No, a 49er refers to a player who plays for the San Francisco 49ers because their job is “to promote the franchise, to promote the organization and to promote the league”

You: “I was sitting next to him at the bar yesterday. He was so rude. He was never really there. We would be celebrating “Mohammad Karim” tomorrow!” I

friend: “Sweet! Was it Frank Gore? As

others have said, the correct way would be to refer to him as a “49-year-old” since

he was a young man.

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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Is referring to a forty-nine-year old man as a “49er” idiomatic in either North American or British usages? This is a more idiomatic expression: “i was talking

to a 49-year-old.”

What is a more granular word because it has nothing to do with age but simply gives us the sense of “49er” or “forty-niner”? In the 1850th American Gold Rush, who traveled to the American West, and specially California, for the first time in their life, the whole wave began. In a cavern, in a canyon, Excavating for a mine, Lived

a miner forty-niner And his daughter,

Why are the San Francisco, California football teams called the Forty-Niners? “Nantosi”,

“Sugar with your friends” – “From hell with yourself?

Answered on March 30, 2021.
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