As an ad hoc public relations take a public relations offensive – meaning it does.

By taking the public relations offensive, the Russians have time and again been two steps ahead. Where do the U.S. and western politicians get their voices? And what does the Kiev government do to avoid corruption and debunking the rumors that the Kiev government killed the Ukraine government? In some countries the Middle East and the other African countries are playing catch-up.

How do you understand a phrase in bold type? Does it mean that they take them (the public relations) as an offensive thing, they perceive the public relations as an offense?

What are your opinions?

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40 Answer(s)

This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 21, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 21, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 23, 2021.
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In this context it means they are proactively using public relations to forward their position.

In this context it means they have effectively used Media Development.

Answered on April 24, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 28, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 15, 2021.
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In this context it means they are proactively using public relations to forward their position.

In this context it means they have effectively used Media Development.

Answered on April 17, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 17, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 17, 2021.
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This is a modification of the idiom

going on the

offensive, where it means

taking the offensive.

It means that the Russians’ PR team is pre-emptively attacking (which is this case means communicating their position with media outlets) to force any opposing viewpoint into a defensive posture, which the quote you provided clearly as being “left scrambling to debunk the rumors and fear-mongering. “Yes,

the world has a war.”

Answered on April 17, 2021.
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