“would be possible without” VS/Is possible without”

  1. Jane is keen to point out that none of this would have been possible without the entire team’s devotion.
  2. Jane is keen to point out that none of this is possible without the dedication of the entire Team.
  3. Jane is keen to point out that none of this has been possible without the dedication of the entire team.

Jane wants to express her gratitude for everyone involved in creating a project and for all the time she has spent on it. Which one above should I use?

What are your thoughts on the “New Year”?

Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)
  1. Jane is keen to point out that none of this would have been possible without the entire team.

  2. Jane’s would not have come to this table without the collaboration of Jane’s team.

  3. Jane is keen to point out that none of this would have been possible without the entire team’s dedication.

That is the first construction correct for your context. These are the last three constructions. These are the first sentences.

The first construction implies the team’s dedication has already occurred, because whatever “this” is must be possible in the world? If it was possible for us to argue that it would not have been possible under different circumstances, why? If the dream occurred so soon after the experiment and the team failed to meet the challenge, the team could have failed, as long as the dedication allowed the possibility of success. What are the conditions and features for believing an idea is currently possible but has not yet happened in real life?

Without dedicated teamwork, teamwork, and enthusiasm of the members this project will become impossible.

The third construction implies that whatever Jane is talking about has not been possible; and the team’s lack of dedication is the reason that it was not possible.

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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