Word meaning something which is in a predefined location.

Consider a situation wherethere are a few typical places in which and how an object is usually located. In rare cases, the object may be located outside the area. I am looking for a word to describe the situation in which the object is in one of its typical locations. Something like “typically-positioned”, but a single word.

What is the overall podium finish in the Olympics? There are 3 defined locations. The second is where the space is located and the third is the region where the space is located. Which other address is in the same location? If a woman was to stand on a two track, her stand would not be in the original location. If someone were to go on a walk with one foot in one part and another foot in the other, she would not be in one of the “proven” places.

How would you describe a person who lives in one of a standard location?

Twond EDIT: Another example that does not involve humans: Consider a molecule is positioned most of the time in one of 3 locations. Occasionally the molecule is not in one of these locations.

How would a chemical molecule be described in one of its typical positions?

What does an “IQ test” tell you about anything?

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2 Answer(s)

The molecule is in its usual position. “The molecule in its standard position is “.as opposed to the structure. What

are usage and standard?

Answered on March 4, 2021.
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Try fixed, planted, defaulted (may be context sensitive), asserted, secured, redeposited, or situated.

Answered on March 4, 2021.
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