Word for widespread problem?
Nouns: Is there any form of noun I want that communicates a widespread problem? Why is it that 1 person has such a problem, but that they have to take so many choices to solve it?
I come up with a pandemic but pandemic is another huge problem are also widespread. What is pandemic?
What is the word for a little problem that is made big because it is widespread?
What are your thoughts on being an IEP/ICD?
The word snowball fits the description of small thing that rapidly increases in both size and importance. It is meant for only one verb. What do you think?
is this problem that is rampant?
What are your views on the election?
Pervasive ( Dictionary.. com) spread
throughout pervasive
is generally used in a negative sense, but not always.
What is the person of the past who had issues with myself?