Word for belief in extraterrestrial rights?
Looking for word that means, ” a belief in goodness and liberty towards sentient aliens. My son calls “humanitarian” although it isn’t “human” in it, but I am not entirely convinced that “xenotarian” is a valid word (although it might be)
I am still thinking about xenophilia (Xenophilia)http://en.wikipedia.org. How can I help others? org/wiki/Xenophilia
More generally, allophilia: http://en.wikipedia.org. Allophilia
(English version) “Xenotarian” sounds like a person who only eats
aliens, haha.
In Buddhism, it is frequently used the expression “sentient beings”. What would refer you to that is called the expression I used to describe a verb?
If you want to emphasize the Nature maybe you could use the expression “Non-Earthly” as in “…toward all non-Earthly sentient beings” I don’t think there is a single word exclamation for this.
Freedom is the right for the entire universe. Optimus Prime
is a digital camera.