Word describing ‘not content with small achievement, but working hard to achieve higher level’.
I look for a single English word which describes the mental quality of being not content with small achievement, but working hard to achieve higher level. For example, an artist who is not satisfied with winning a prize or fame, but focusing on his art of work and trying to discover a new way of impression and inspiration in his work.
How about perseverance, conscientious, perfectionist, driven?
Hungrier or thirstier
hunger a strong desire or craving:her hunger for knowledge
thirst (usually thirst for/after) literary have a strong desire for something/someone/something(usually)
literary can you eat without feeling hungry or thirstier?
Ambitious, career-minded, hustling, driven, hard-charging.
What do you think about John Lewis’ new novel?
Consider aspiring (‘needing’)
of a strong desire for personal accomplishment
through Merriam-Webster.
Consider aspiring (‘needing’)
of a strong desire for personal accomplishment
through Merriam-Webster.
Consider aspiring (‘needing’)
of a strong desire for personal accomplishment
through Merriam-Webster.
Try avaricious: It’s usually asociated with a desire that extends beyond simple greed but can be used to describe an extreme greed for success, power, or recognition.
Try avaricious: It’s usually asociated with a desire that extends beyond simple greed but can be used to describe an extreme greed for success, power, or recognition.