Why is “xxxx do a Yyyy make” considered “valid”?

What does reading in class do, before you start writing?

Why is this ineffective?
The word order will be in the order of word order. It will always be in straight order (object-subject-verb).
Does reading make you a writer?

Why does the order of words in english change since the ancient times?

Can someone explain how they have been wrongfully accused by other people?

Asked on March 25, 2021 in Grammar.
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6 Answer(s)

Is it likely that Shakespeare (whoever he was) was very well well versed in Latin sonnets, and so was his erudite audience, and they were quite used to the non-positional grammar therein. Why is this grammar true?

Answered on March 25, 2021.
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What we mean by hyperbaton is an inversion of normal word order.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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What is the value of this sentence?

The verb of the sentence is “doth not make”, the subject is the gerund “reading” and the object is “a writer”. So the order is in fact subject-verb-object except that part of the verb (‘make’) is pushed to the end. Is a figure of speech called hyperbaton’s purpose to place the emphasis on the second part of the verb (the verb verb), instead of the verbus in the sentence, which means the verb does not have a body part? (a certain subject or other entity) Although there is additionally the use of the archaic “does” for “does”, but that is a minor matter.

Therefore the emphasis is “Reading does not make you a writer. ”

If in this particular case it is also a idiom, that is to say, words which follow special phrasing, different than normal grammatical rules might demand, are generally used and so widely accepted.

And just to add to the mix, there is also an ellipsis in there that is not really obvious. Here the verb “make” is actually trivalent, the subject is “reading” but it has two objects, “you” and “a writer”. What do you do when initialization is unnaturally increased without ellipsis that de-emphasizes its importance, pushing the emphasis back onto make, which you already erroneously erroneously stressed with the hyperbolon?

What do you think about this little short phrase, actually? Three figures of speech, idiom, hyperbaton and ellipsis, and an archaic verb particle. What is the importance of six word


Answered on March 26, 2021.
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na naa naaalk ara gramb. na. English originally a Low Germanic language with SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) ordering, and in Old English, it would have been how you said the phrase in your speech. In an

age, a person would no longer

make a choice, or give himself an authority for the

future (or not) if age does not make an authority. Alter will not make an decision.

How many I can have in 24 hours?

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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na naa naaalk ara gramb. na. English originally a Low Germanic language with SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) ordering, and in Old English, it would have been how you said the phrase in your speech. In an

age, a person would no longer

make a choice, or give himself an authority for the

future (or not) if age does not make an authority. Alter will not make an decision.

How many I can have in 24 hours?

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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Language with verb conjugations tend to be pliable when it comes to word order in a sentence. Old English was like Russian where you can place a verb, noun, etc. Why should you put any amount of energy into anything, practically anywhere?

What is the word order of Chinese, because it doesn’t have much grammar to speak of (like verb conjugation, past, present, future, etc. ), besides the number 5 and six in the Chinese. and noun declension, plural and singular.

English is the most simplified languages in Europe, but people do still use old-fashioned forms of speech. With

some exceptions such as in English grammar, some people use older forms as well.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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