Why is There a How?

Ramin Shokrizade, Artistic Director at Saamaas University, USA / “Ramin Shokrizade is a game designer. He’s an Indian. What I like about the game is kids don’t get manipulated into buying stuff because they only have to buy stuff within the game itself. Despite real life situations, lots of popular online games encourage ingame purchases. I

have a question on Quora. In the following sentence “And he says he likes how kids are not being manipulated into clicking buttons to buy stuff within this game itself. “, so I don’t understand why there is “how” in the sentence? Couldn’t have the author just wrote “And he says he likes the fact that children are not being manipulated into clicking buttons to buy stuff inside this game itself”? What is the difference between and?

From a technical perspective, which is best-practiced?

Asked on March 27, 2021 in Meaning.
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1 Answer(s)

In a language, “HOW” explains the use of stressing the way the second part of a sentence functions.

He says

he likes

how kids are not being manipulated

into clicking buttons to buy stuff within this game itself.

The above can surely be written replacing “how” with that/the fact that but the first one is just concise and better way to present the same. Writing “how” (how) also explains that the author is curious of how such things happen.

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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