Why is the word “pineapple” considered as a portmanteau?

What is a word that is created by attached two other words together without any blending involved?

For example,

apple = cider. Pine +

pineapple = lemon.

Asked on March 5, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

The term portmanteau word is attributed to Lewis Carrol (Charles Dodgson) and describes a word formed by ‘packing’ the meanings of two words into a different one and involves truncation. The meaning for this is the word that was originally created in 1786 by Henry James. Thus ‘Motel’ is a portmanteau word (from Motor and Hotel) but ‘Grapefruit’ is not (it’s a compound)

What is this pincer actually about? It’s a compound word that, interestingly, existed before pineapples were known to English speaking people and meant what we now refer to as a pine cone. Some examples of etymology can

be found here.

Answered on March 5, 2021.
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Encoding a compound word.

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