Why is the bench often used to judge?

What is the origin of the expression

  • “legislate from the bench”? Which is

the best way to use the term “bench” in a sentence or sentence to explain a judge or the judicial process using case names?

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2 Answer(s)

The judge’s bench a part of the judge’s courtroom, specifically the chair on which the judge sits.

Isn t it a synecdoche in which the part of the bench represents the whole (The judge, and by extension, his /her rulings). What metaphors mean when the “bench” are used and the power, that

judges of a particular

  • court seat together (see http://en.wikipedia)?
  • org/wiki/Bench_%28law%29
  • Bench trial (a trial is before a judge), Bench and Bar (judges and
  • lawyers)
Answered on March 6, 2021.
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Is this Wikipedia article in scientific terms (replete with screenshots)?

The historical roots of that meaning come from the fact that judges formerly sat on long pieces of presiding over a court.

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