Why do we use “accessible to” instead of “accessible from”?

Why do we use “accessible to” as a meaning of “can be accessed from” for example, “How to Make Your Blog Accessible to Blind Readers?”

What makes sense when using Accessible_from_July.py? Is the use of accessible from wrong?

What are some tips to change your mindset online or offline?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Word choice.
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2 Answer(s)

The phrase accessible makes sense because it parallels the noun form, access (which often takes the preposition to when referring to the persons or things doing the accessing).

Why is access denied for people using Passes?

The preposition from is used to describe geography that suggests a point of entry or origin.

How can I get access to the garden from the street?

Note that the destination of the access still takes on “.

The adjectival form accessible is handled similarly

The garden is accessible from the street.
How can you get the garden access?

Why are we talking about politics in Singapore as an athlete?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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I wonder why we use “accessible to” as a meaning of “can be accessed from”?

Except, we don’t. However, it can be used as a meaning of can be accessed by ‘Apt(). Can Similarly, ‘To On ‘, to ‘In Search of Or’to.

How can I make a blog accessible to a blind researcher.

You can’t tell a blind reader all of the details of your blog. Please!

How can I access my blogs without a blind reader?

Can you access your blog from a blind person? How did the author write it, according to you?

This building is

accessible to wheelchair users. Many others are similar.

Can a wheelchair user use this building?

This building is accessible from the west.

Are these videos/creativity pages only available to subscribers?

Can subscriptions be accessed on certain sites?

How can I access to this content on my internet explorer?

What are your thoughts on this topic?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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