Why do the word “what” is used as an object?

When speaking with co-workers today, I asked “who

should I talk to?”. I

quickly corrected myself saying “Then

with whom should I speak? ”

I followed with

“What should I look at?” To

this, I considered a correction “At

what should I look? ”

is there a different

word for when what’ is used in an object?

What really is a special mark?

Why is the distinction made between “who” and “what”? ”

“How should you choose the next movie you want to watch,” he says.

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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3 Answer(s)

Why there’s no new word?

Who vs whom is one of the few relics in English of the Indo-European case system: others are he/him, me etc.

Most nouns and pronouns in most Indo-European languages distinguish between subject and object (or nominative) case – except for neuter nouns and pronouns. I can’t think of a single example of a contradiction accusative which is different from the nominative, in any Indo-European language.

So what, being neuter, although it may decline for other cases, hardly ever has a distinct object form.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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There’s no different word to the English word, per se. If you use “which” as the context indicates that there is a clear choice between a small number of things to look at. Which is an entirely different word, though, and it changes the meaning slightly. If we want to use a word that only has one meaning, then you are speaking more of a word or two and referring to other words like “permanently” or “maturely”)’. That’s not what you are looking for!

In Indo-European languages, new new nouns will never distinguish between accusative and nominative. Affirmations on the question “What” have been used in both a subject and an object form. Does the non-neuter do, however, distinguish nominative from accusative? However, although we are still using the accusative (when we have given it a new name) as our dative, the accusative is still part of the language to preserve object opposition, at least in written in English. Certainly this opposition is not in the spoken language. It is preceded by the loss of such a distinction first in nouns and adjectives, and more recently in the 2nd person pronoun. How can there be no such distinction in any pronoun? In German language, the subject form is not used when it are the subject of the verb. It is the object form.

Is it correct for a sentence to end with preposition? Most English grammar uses prepositions, but other people find it awkward when using them. For example: “Wobbly isn’t a sentence in writing a sentence? Why can’t you spend time correcting yourself?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Which is the simplest word of all, and is the verb used in all languages. Which is only the verb of other words? As mentioned it narrows the field of objects. As far as correcting yourself, good to you. What language should someone speak?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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