Why are society and society different (in this case the society)?

What are the differences between the social and the political, and what is their meaning in general? As far as I know, “society” (without “the”) refers to a society that is more general. Do I have to be aware of the distinction between A&B and OBG/Gemini, simply because they are so similar?

What is the best explanation or source of information to me? What is the best way to use “socialization is the process of learning to live in the society”?

I am still confused here. it seems that “society” can still refer to a subset of people. After reading your answers, I understand that, without the article, “society” doesn’t emphasize a specific society of corresponding nations and peoples. It doesn’t matter which revolutionary community it refers to. At ‘the’ much as “thes”, the speaker focuses on a specific society. How can Soldiers protect society?

Soldiers represent society and protect their interests. Soldiers represent democracy and leadership.

Is it true that I am right? Maybe could someone explain more deeply how you heard this?

Can anyone tell me something about your experience?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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3 Answer(s)

From Wikipedia

Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals sharing a distinct culture and institutions. Without an article, the term refers either to the entirety of humanity or a contextually specific subset of people.

I would be inclined to restate my own question as’society’
(without “the”) refers to human society in general, and, the

example should read “socialization is
the process of learning to live in society” The phrase

“the society” is used in areas of study such as anthropology, political science and sociology when referring to specific groups.

From Wikipedia, talking about any particular group. This noble

organized warriors to protect the society to avoid invasion.

In this case, “the society” is used to limit the scope to the group under discussion, not to all humanity.

In “fighters protect society” the lack of an article

preceding “society” makes it a statement about human society in general. When an idea is conceptually feasible, it would stand alone without any other context.

“Soldiers protect the society” seems taken out of context. In what society is the answer to this question?

Why are the following examples not history fact?

In ancient Rome, soldiers called centurions protected the (Roman) society.
In ancient Japan, soldiers called samurai protected the (Japanese) society.

What are some good topics for a start-up insurance agency?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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I would read “Soldiers protect the society” as a generalisation of John Satta’s phrase, meaning that British soldiers protect British society, German soldiers protect German society, etc. “Soldiers protect society”, on the other hand, is a more interesting point, implicitly contrasted with “policemen protect individuals”. Why are soldiers not expected to save individual lives (indeed, when the army is called in to a problem, you would expect more casualties rather than less): they are protecting the intangible network called’society’. Saying martial law prevents (for example) looting and random shootings, at the expense of suspending civil freedoms and approving the summary execution of looters. What is the value of changing the rules of an order that means society still exists, and not a collapse into anarchy?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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When referring to an association, use the society when e.g. king kearns. g. If you’re talking about a large number of people the article should be deleted. In law society, if consumers society etc etc at all, etc., there’s one or two examples. American society not the American society.

Not the American society.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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