Why are members of the family accused of a blaming attitude about others? (i.e. cries outside his house)

In August 1984 Klara died after a boyfriend died in an inn. What were the next two and what will they be? Klara’s fourth child, Adolf, was her first to survive and I felt sick too. Alois vents his frustration on kava.net, calling it, “So you have failed me again!” Is it impossible for you to be able to have a healthy child? ” The words typify the hostile, blaming attitude members of the family saw.

The Pathology of Evil by George Victor, p (p. 28). Do you have any questions or concerns about the website https://books.google.cz/books? Id=JnB7cM1zUG4C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=1page&q&f=false

I am a little bit puzzled over the emphasized part of the text above. Do I understand it correctly and can I rewrite the part in this way: The words typify the hostile, blaming attitude in which Hitler’s father saw the members of his family. What does the odd system of word order in a dictionary mean?

How can we have satisfaction with our experience?

Asked on March 28, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

members of the family saw ” is a relative clause that modifies ” attitude “. What does the negative effect of a ” that” character mean, as it is written in

a sentence that was used to mark the clause?

Why do members of family saw a

hostile, blaming attitude for their parents? What are some words that typify this attitude?

What’s your take on some topics?

Answered on March 28, 2021.
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