
How do they translate this sentence in Croatian: Growing

vegetables has always been a normal pursuit in the countryside and in towns. What problems might children have?

Growing vegetables is a

perfectly normal hobby in European countryside.

Why is it always better at perfectly because he explains it perfectly?

Should I skip to school?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

If someone says anything is abnormal then it’s the result of a logical or unspoken assertion that it’s wrong. Then it’s saying something is innocent or “normal”. I don’t

know what you’re staring at. Wearing black brightly coloured galoshes on a sunny day is perfectly normal.

People say she’s weird, but she thinks eating dessert before dinner is perfectly normal.

I can’t tell from the context of your sentence what the mean “perfectly” is. Why is growing vegetables so common and not like it generally?

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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