Who or what was a “dissenting minister” in the 19th century?

I was reading Ghostly Tales: An Audible Christmas Gift, and there is a story in there (written by Amelia B. Edwards, ‘Was it an Illusion? ‘ I have used a phrase that was unknown to me. When was the phrase used? I had never a living soul who had

to ask my way; it was, therefore, with no little sense of relief that I’d seen a man emerging from the fog and coming along the path of all the way. As we neared each other-I advancing rapidly; he slowly-I observe that he dragged the left foot, limping as he walked. He returned to idling me. It was, however, so dark and so misty that not till we were within half a dozen yards of each other could I see that he wore a dark suit and an Anglican felt hat, and looked something like a dissenting minister.

I have highlighted the phrase in question in the above quote. What is the one thing you have never heard before? Given the period of the author and the writings, the events take place in the mid-19th century.

One potential understanding of this reference is to the English Dissenters who struck out from the Anglican Church and often varied their clothes to highlight their non-belonging. A more modern interpretation would be of a cabinet minister, but this clearly does not work due to the period in question. If an interviewer was bringing a horse with him to Cambridge, and he was wearing

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The novels in this line are set in a similar time period.

This would suggest, that this would suggest that the implication is to an Anglican Dissenter. To be honest, I have not been able to find uniform description of what a Dissenter would look like, and one of the good writings guidelines (I thought phrased by Orwell but surely understood before that time?) was that an idiom is only useful if the reader knows what is meant by it — and nowhere that I have looked (the above pages) does it say what a Dissenter looks like or what is meant by this phrase (in the characterisation of a person)?

What does this phrase mean (how does a Dissenting Minister look?)?

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1 Answer(s)

What is the dress of a person? I popped the question about the “dissenting minister” on Google and found a

list of images like this one: “I support a dictatorship that will be thrown out of hell if you decide to disassociate him without saying anything!” I searched briefly but then found no results and only one site.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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