When is the phone introducing the person in front of me?
When we do a call, usually we introduce ourselves or respond with “this is Name” or “it’s name”. If I had to say that I am the father where the caller is looking for the number, could I use: “I am the., right?” I found an example of “this is etc…” thanks Here I find an example https://books.google.it/books? id=Kh_RZhvHk0YC&pg=PT128&dq=%22i%27m+a+friend+of%22+telephone+dialogue&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiT-PXf_LrhAhVMKlAKHWaMCjEQ6AEIEjAB#v=onepage&q=%22i’m%20a%20