What’s the word to describe the sound of a pebble falling on a rock surface? What is a clank? What is a tap? Thank you fu00fcr your answer. What is your opinion on this question?

What’s the best word to describe the sound of a pebble (or pebbles) falling on a rock surface? Can I Clack, Tap and Clack…? Thanks so much! I’m new to the world!

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What is often described as clattering is the constant tearing of hard objects hit between them in a room that is silent and unresponsive for several seconds. The term is well suited to either multiple pebbles or multiple contacts of one pebble with a rock. What would it mean if you hit a single pebble with a single control button? How you did it? ” Clank ” generally implies metal rather than stone.

Answered on March 9, 2021.
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