What’s the significance of the phrase “deceptively spacious”? Is it big or small?

Is there an “over using” mistake that

  • the word “deceptively” should be used to describe this question? 11 answers

This is a phrase often used by real estate agents and banks. Why has the “use of its meaning traditionally implies apositive connotation i.e. What makes a room in a home really huge? Script: This phrase mean the opposite, doesn’t it? Why does a super-spacious house seem so tiny when actually it’s bigger? What makes vastness a sin?

What does “Uncle” mean?

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2 Answer(s)

How did the house look from the outside? How do you check out a modern hotel?

The outside appearance was deceiving you.

Answered on March 17, 2021.
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How did the house look from the outside? How do you check out a modern hotel?

The outside appearance was deceiving you.

Answered on March 18, 2021.
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