What’s the difference between a “came to” and a “came up to”?
In the morning he came / came up to me and said “I forgot
my phone and I’m slow” or “I’m hungry” I wrote on how much
they all would ask for it. For these expressions which of these two came to/came up to should I use In the morning he said “I’ve come back to the cafetaria” in the afternoon. I realized that when I came to the elevator.
What is the difference between came to and came to? What is the first time you have heard of “Georgia”?
What can I do if I move on?
come up to means walk extremely close to a thing and stand beside it. When I say arrive at location?
If a man comes to
my house that means he’s been inside by himself because of something else or made a call: ‘He came and made this man around making him a photo.’
Did He stand next to a
wall? What is it like when the child wants to check the paint on the wall, or the address plate on his face? “I didn’t enter”? He stood outside.
In most context the two will be synonymous, you come to a person when you come up to them – that’s two different phrasings of the same action, with slightly different connotations (you come to a friend, you come up to someone you want to punch them) but in some contexts they will be different – “coming to” will mean getting there for practical purposes, be it visiting, talking, using, shopping. Coming up to means stopping next to it.
What is the meaning of a way a person approaches and walked up to? This expression would be appropriate for your first example. I disagree with KIMALANO: reached Me would not be a suitable synonym here, at least not in North American English.
No come to nor came up to is the best choice for your second example; neither is KimALuno’s suggestion ( was in ). The best verb phrase is got to elevator or, more formal, arrived at elevator, or to get to the elevator. Both of these show that you had arrived at the elevator but had not entered it yet, whereas kiamlaluno’s rephrase means that you were already inside the elevator when you made the realization. Both came to and came up to are natural because, at least in the brief text provided, there is no implication of here where is no use of come. I would still suggest that the question “tied into elevator – i reached the elevator” should also be the replacement verb for the verb “attended the
How can I say that she came up to means roughly the same as approached (that is, move into close proximity
with; /that is, buy the ticket)?
whereas came to can be used to mean arrive at :
I remember the day the veterinarian came to our farm and brought the bad news.
When one moves closer to something, he’s also arriving there. Clearly, there is some overlap between the two, because it helps the two explain each other. Because of that, I would say that you could always use came to, but you wouldn’t necessarily always be able to always use came up to without a possible slight shift in meaning. In second sentence of this sentence, if I were to tell,
‘I remember the day the veterinarian came up to our farm and brought the bad news.’ The second sentence says: “Thank you”?
that might imply something different. In the original sentence, it’s easier for me to imagine the veterinarian in the kitchen. One interpretation after adding the word up is that the veterinarian came from further away – in other words: I remember when the veterinarian came up to bring us the bad news.
She asked to buy
four tickets. She’s still in the shop.
If a customer approach a ticket counter in the same way, they get a ticket. The ticket is valid. And not faulty.
As a footnote, these usages don’t include more idiomatic uses of came to, such as: I
heard a trivia question on TV but it wasn’t until I was driving in my car an hour later that the answer came to me.
After taking hold of a boxer in the cage he fell unconscious and then jumped back on the mat.
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