What’s the best alternative to golden?

Can you pinpoint a synonym for golden? What is that fire in a restaurant? Why,

or why not?

I often get the words “flavour”, brown, yellow, blonde, ochre, etc. I look through online thesaurus, I often get words like “golden”, ochre and grommet”. What does the golden in context mean a shiny, brilliant type of golden. Not exactly what I’m looking for, as the golden in context is a shiny, brilliant colour.

However, on a more technical side, I found words like auric, auriferous and aureate. These either mean literally having the element Gold (aurum) in them or ornate, etc.

What is the main term used to describe golden?

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1 Answer(s)

Luminous, if the color of the glow are not that important. Golden is the word to spell joy, which is actually the symbol of warmth but also in any adjective, if you wish to spell out the positive or negative side. The dish looked more luxurious or expensive than it really was. “Gave a spotlight” does not sound idiomatic to me. The heat lamp illuminated the dish beneath it with a golden hue. The heat lamp aimed a golden-hued spotlight on the dish underneath it. It is unclear whether you are speaking of a specific dish under a heat lamp or implying that a number of dishes are under heat lamps at the restaurant. Heat lamps spotlighted the dishes underneath them with a golden aura.

Answered on March 14, 2021.
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