What will likely be/do soon?
Is it standard English to use the denominative “likely” that follows infinitive verb as in the following examples. Does the adjective likely have been put in use with linking verbs? It is wrong to use modal “will” on what one should see it as. Is there any large amount of example written on the Internet?
If you’re gonna
do more damage than great, then this doesn’t work.
“even though in reality they stand to profit and will likely to do so so ”
https://www.theatlantic.com Politics/archive/2016/12/the-trumps-learn-to-love-the-swamp/511442
Google is giving other results.
Will there be any quote in the linked article about damages?
The second quote in the sentence “Hmmm… I just remember…” contains typographical errors. Why did we miss a critical verbal error?
The Trump camp doesn’t view these movements as compromising. During the election he declared that he would not keep other billionaires with him if more people started conflict of interest and had less investment on them instead. Unfortunately they are not doing so.
Where I can correct the part in bold: will likely
do so
Will they do so?
Can your parents and teachers attained this. (1) means will probably do so. Is “likely” an adverb in the movie?
Some suggestions (at least in math) about how some means are predicted to do so (not necessarily that they are)? With a criterion, “likely” is used as an adjective.
What you were told sounds good to me when you’re using the adjective.