What will be the meaning of “come a-knocking”?

Is in Crash.Cursd.A&P. This is in one of the Crash sd s.It is really not from a Crash sd, It is from the Crash A&P brand.We are all really using our own Crash A&P model? What was the phrase for at 1 minute and 32 seconds? When puberty is

imminent the hypothalamus starts realeasing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or thrush GnRH to the brain.

If a in the phrase was used for and, would it not be grammatically correct to say when puberty comes after?

Why is the telecommunication industry so successful?

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1 Answer(s)

If in the phrase was used for and,

when “a” does not mean and although that is a decent guess.

When puberty comes knocking

The a- is known as A-prefixing and is a feature of some dialects.

When puberty comes knocking

You essentially can remove the “a-” from knocking to get the intended meaning When puberty comes knocking In this case it gives it a less formal colloquial feel.

Answered on March 16, 2021.
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