What one word means “made accessible”?

Searching for a single word that means “make accessible. “The intent is to signal that something inherently complex is being made accessible, without diluting its value and not in a condescending way.

Simplified gives the impression of something being “for Dummies.” “Democratized” sometimes gives a sense of something being for the masses, implying that the masses might be crude. Other options like “illuminate” or “demystified” are specifically about cognitive aspects of accessibility. Understanding just means something cannot be understood, not accessible. For example, mathematical algorithms may be understandable but often need to be exposed through usable software to be truly “accessible”. As

an example would be: Advanced Mathematical Software

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1 Answer(s)

What is the possible solution to any question that is not in your question’s title but you are looking for some other keyword? Advanced Mathematical Software for Humans, Advanced Mathematical Software for Mere Mortals or Advanced Mathematical Software for Uninitiated.

“DeStatus” and “Decrypted” have also been used at the end of book titles.

Answered on March 14, 2021.
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