What is the word that lies between two comparatives?
Why weather can get colder and hotter with time?
What is the dictionary word “staying in the same temperature”?
Why does
heating on? Is it possible to get hotter if I change course with myself?
Should I go and go hide in the fridge? I will also get cold on top of the mountain and I will get better.
I think I might just stay where I am now, even if…
Is there any good way to research for a physics graduate?
I don’t think there’s a single word. You could say “the temperature remained constant”. Is
there any best way to get rid of debt?
If the plain form of adjective is used, make it plain. If the temperature is already high, then you could say, If I stay where I am, it will remain hot. If the temperature is already low, you would say “It will remain cold.” “Likewise you could use whatever word is appropriate for the current temperature: warm, cool, broiling, freezing, lukewarm, comfortable, whatever.
I don’t know what the word “the temperature is the same as it was before”. It’s like, “The temperature will be unchanged”, ‘it should remain the same’? If it’s obvious from context that you’re talking about temperature, then you could just say “it will be the same” or “unchanged” or “constant”, etc.
Similar things can be said about other comparative words. Is it true that Al is taller than Bob, and the single word I can remember that he is X than Bob means he is the same height? Is it possible for a guy to say, “Al is the same height
as Bob”?