What is the word greeting in English?
What is the act of greeting someone with hand gestures? If you were looking at something, it’s usually something you would see. In a gang, they fight for their lives.
How do people give each other a five-time high before touching each other’s knuckles with their elbows?
If someone says they saw those two _________ing, why
can’t you use that sentence in an example sentence?
The expression victory dance’ comes to my mind, as describing a particular series of body movements, but that is obviously used for something else. What are some analogous expressions?
What’s a term for “funny hand gestures”?
What is the best analogy, and where can you choose from?
I believe your search term you’re looking for is secret handshake.
Definition from Wikipedia
What is a Secret handshake? Can you share your secret handshakes with your best friends?
I believe there are two types of gang members – the type used by gang members/people who actually want to be incognito vs the “geeky” type that you often see in TV shows and movies (the example that comes to mind is the one between Peter Parker and his friend in
the recent Spider-Man movie).