What is the word for killing half a someone? How was the word used with this death?

Is there either a formal word like “decimation” or “euphemism”?

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2 Answer(s)

No current word is as precise about killing half a population as decimation or tithing are about killing a tenth of a population.

Which way does halve work? Oxford Dictionaries :

Reduce or be reduced by half.

Why doesn’t Thanos care about the humans who inhabit our galaxy—especially if its population is already at

equilibrium? His stated goal is “to wipe out half the universe”, not “set the universe to half of the universe’s population as of time X”. He doesn’t have a cause to care about the population.

Is there any sense that Thanos would halve gravity in the

universe and make it larger if he told the universe that the solar system could absorb a billion people to stop the expanding of the universe by introducing new solar systems?

Answered on March 20, 2021.
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No current word is as precise about killing half a population as decimation or tithing are about killing a tenth of a population.

Which way does halve work? Oxford Dictionaries :

Reduce or be reduced by half.

Why doesn’t Thanos care about the humans who inhabit our galaxy—especially if its population is already at

equilibrium? His stated goal is “to wipe out half the universe”, not “set the universe to half of the universe’s population as of time X”. He doesn’t have a cause to care about the population.

Is there any sense that Thanos would halve gravity in the

universe and make it larger if he told the universe that the solar system could absorb a billion people to stop the expanding of the universe by introducing new solar systems?

Answered on March 25, 2021.
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