What is the real meaning of these words when you are translating to Spanish? What are the possibilities for you to take a private interview after logging in or being the source of an inaccurate email?

Which means words that have meaning in English but when translating to Spanish those don’t work the same and are badly translated. I am currently studying the concept of “calco” Which means words that have meaning in Spanish but when translating I don’t work the same and are poorly translated. Is the word “Name” (v) in English correct? You could translate it as “Nombrar” (v) though, this is bad and the real word is “designar”. I am in my fifth and last month, so my question goes by this and here comes in the next 3 days.

What is the meaning of the macro theme?

What are the main themes?

Do the most misunderstood words in English don’t there are their origins in the Greek?

I am very much

satisfied. Thank you very much.

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1 Answer(s)

Mathematically speaking, calca is the English equivalent of calque. Both come from the Latin calcarius, which refers to lime and (by extension) a variety of casting and molding techniques common to those days.

If you’re translating between English and (say) Spanish, calques go both ways, and in many cases are completely acceptable. In the same way that the Armada has passed into English.

Principal theme and major theme are equivalent. Since every language has Latin roots: major, manus (hand), and principalis, and although an expression in English may be similar to an expression in Spanish, a direct calque between the two languages is not the only possible explanation.

Answered on March 11, 2021.
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