What is the name of a website page with all kind of posts mixed up?
Imagine a website with so many kinds of posts: announcement posts, offer posts, question posts and more. If you’re looking for a specific type of post, for each kind of post a page listing them is created.
How would you call a page that lists all the posts of all kinds?
All I came up with is “cumulative page”, but that sounds obscure.
Just as a book uses an index, a website uses a site map to provide links to all its pages in an organized fashion on a single web page.
When a book uses a Table of Contents on its webpage, just as in the bible, the tables in the web can also be found.
Just as a mall does you the Directory so you can browse what stores are available and what stores you want to go, so too can a website.
If you’re talking about a situation where your site should be Page-1 with content “A”, page 2 with content “B”, etc. up through page 25 with “Y” and finally a page 26 that has content abddef…Y”, you might call page 26 a “comprehensive listing. ”
“What” or “Why”?
Typically such inflow is called a feed as in in “data feed” or “info feed”.
If you want it to sound a bit flowery, then use any of “potpourri”, “melange”, “mishmash”.
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