What is the meaning of the word “Aura”?
What is the actual meaning of the word “Aura”? Does it mean literally “Atmosphere”? ” Heavy snow… thunders… strong wind.” Consider this example ” What a lovely aura! “P.S:
I meant by aura not the weather itself but the general atmosphere around me that i feel at that moment.. My feeling..
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An aura is a field of light around the person or object like the halo or aureola or a crystal image, in Chinese philosophy.
If we think with literary terms the word aura, it is used as a descriptive term to draw attention to moods, sense/atmospheric or atmospheric. In this respect the word aura is used with far more liberal license. Other than to describe a person easily, it can simply be taken to mean a person, rather than a person.
Intended use
We watched the Pastor Deliver his sermon, an aura of energy emanated from the pulpit as he delivered the word of God.
Acceptable use
Le criminal stared at me with murderous intent, his aura radiated malice.
Use with greater license
The crime scene had an aura of dread which permeated the very air.