What is the meaning of the phrase “North Americans go out to be alone”?

North Americans simply go out as friends.

“The Medium and the Messenger” (ph. 33): A Biography by Philip Marchand, Wikipedia, page 1124.

I don’t understand it. Thank you.” What do you mean by “reality statement” of the sentence?

McLuhan didn’t

believe that North Americans would go out to be alone if they could. He knew something was wrong. What was it like to ask Henry Ford? What do you think of McLuhan’s proposal when he learned that he designed his first car? Based on his idea he started making advertisement and start running it on television. Which advert shows a man leaving a house which was full of people screaming at each other. The man got inside his car, rolled the windows, and putting on an ineffable contentment on his face drove off.

Why do North Americans seek solitude, when

out for a movie or during a dinner?

Is he right to be right? What does this sentence mean?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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