What is the error name of incorrect but semantically valid variations of fixed expressions (e.g., tense, predicated logical)? Why is “false news” considered false news?

What is it called when you say “false news” but they mean “fake news” and just didn’t notice the difference or didn’t realize it mattered? Is it actually an eggcorn?

Asked on March 3, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

What you describe is a form of misspeaking.

My answer is sometimes misinterpreting. I’m tired though, until I come up with a better word. This is a common phenomenon. How can I solve this?

What happens if a person mispronounces a name, for example Jim Waterton instead of the correct Jim Waterton?

How do I explain things?

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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