What is the difference between transplant and transplantation when they are used as noun?

Is transplant used as verb in a sentence? In particulary, transplant is used as a noun in some sentence. Is there any reason why we should use ‘transplant’ as noun form even though we already noun form ‘transplantation’? What is difference between transplant and transplantation? What is the use of transplant and transplant as a noun?

How can you get more meaningful writing about your life?

Asked on March 16, 2021 in Grammar.
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2 Answer(s)

Transplant, when used as a noun is used to refer to either the object being transplanted or the act of transplanting itself. Examples Transplantation, on the other hand, can only be used to refer to the act or the process of transplanting.

What is being rejected was the organ, not the act of medical surgery. If you had said “The patient’s body rejected the transplant,” what was the body itself?

What is the relationship between action and process?

Answered on March 16, 2021.
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Transplant, when used as a noun is used to refer to either the object being transplanted or the act of transplanting itself. Examples Transplantation, on the other hand, can only be used to refer to the act or the process of transplanting.

What is being rejected was the organ, not the act of medical surgery. If you had said “The patient’s body rejected the transplant,” what was the body itself?

What is the relationship between action and process?

Answered on March 16, 2021.
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