What is the difference between thousands of dollars and a lot of money?

What is the difference between

  • have plenty of money and friends?
  • I have a lot of friends and money/people to invest. I have time, money & money.

How did a business stand out from the competition?

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6 Answer(s)

The use of plenty signifies sufficiency or selflessness.

A lot connotes many (friends) and much (money) respectively and indicates the writer may at some point may need more of the same in life, but not necessarily.

Who has the best quantity of either or an author? To me, the second also may indicate more of a boastful attitude than the first, to which that still may apply.

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In the first sentence, the world plenty indicates that the amount of money/friends the speaker has is sufficient for some purpose, but doesn’t specify whether that amount is generally a large number or not.

In the second sentence, the phrase a lot indicates that the number is generally high, but not whether it might be enough to meet some goal.

I have

  money for a taxi, but I don't have the money to travel with them.  

What are the best ways to reduce stress in business?

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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“Lost…” means huge a large amount, relatively speaking. In English, this means too much. “Plenty of” means enough of, or more than enough.

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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What is the difference between ‘plenty of’ and ‘a lot of’ ‘..or something like a few things’..? The

first are relative quantifiers (‘plenty of’ means’more than enough’ ‘little/few’ mean ‘less than enough’, so the refer to a desirable/needed amount of money or number of friends) the second are absolute quantifiers

(a large or small amount of money, number of friends, without reference to a

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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What the meaning of “plenty” is given to “relational quantity”? Regardless of absolute quantity of friends/money/time/whatever, it’s enough for what you need. Whereas “A lot” is a statement about a large absolute quantity without a judgement on the value of that quantity.

On email, e.g. Me:

I have fifteen dollars for this dinner. I don’t know where I live.
Is that enough? (which means more than enough money for what you intend to do with the money and


than money) vs: Me: I have five hundred dollars to spend on this trip.
What’s a lot of money, right? ( meaning: 20000 in absolute terms) is an impressive amount of money for a parent to have but it’s so vast that it will not be

enough to meet a child’s needs and needs?

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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What would you see with any difference between ‘”original’ and ”diversity”? Why the differences are explained are interpretations. What type of difference can you suggest? If there is a way to differentiate between frequency and stylistic level. “a lot of lots of” is common and frequently used. “Plenty of” is a variant, not so frequent and a bit more elevated in style. “pluency” in French, Latin plenitate(m) meaning fullness derived from the Latin adjective plenus full/e in French.

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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