What is the definition of dealing with an unpleasant situation? In Chinese Studies. In Poltica.
What is it called when someone isn’t okay with a situation but learns to deal with it? What is the correct word for that?
What are some of the most difficult things to understand about human beings?
What is contending with a situation?
contend VERB
1 (contend for) Struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger)’she
had to contend with his uncertain temper’Is
it true that ” ” means “what is it that will change?”
How you cope with an important situation comes in your life.
With the Collins English Dictionary’cope’, intransitive verb
- If you cope with a problem (or project) or task, you deal with it successfully.
What a pretty good mother can have. I never read anything. My husband can’t cook
for 30 bucks a week. I have three kids. Between five and six months this is a pretty good income. And she can’t afford to drive the kids home in her home or help my mom when she has to work hard to raise her three children.
- a ”You accept or bear something” or ”you bear it. ” Intransitive verb We have to cope with unpleasant situations, each time. if this has to happen, you have to accept or bear it.’
Has industries ever had to cope with a war and recession at the same time with
a huge decline and increased prices at the same time?
Acquiesce – verb
To accept something reluctantly without protest. Mary Webster. com/dictionary/acquiesce.com