What is the A,B and C building or Its A,B and C buildings.

Which sentence is correct?

Is there repairs on building A, B, and C?


will be repairs on the A, B, and C buildings.

I think it’s the latter because the sentence is referring to multiple buildings.

But the only difference it has to make is that each building is separate from the other.

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1 Answer(s)

Both sentences are grammatically correct; based on the provided context that multiple buildings are being repaired, the second sentence is the correct choice to express that multiple buildings are to be repaired.

Do we really need a single building, named after three entities, to be repaired? What is the necessary repair work to be done on Alice, Bob, and Charlie’s Lecture Hall? ”

” The second sentence is expressing that multiple buildings are to be. repaired. I.e. one building, the other one building, etc. The final sentence identifies building, yard, etc. Both buildings are to be destroyed. “There will be repairs on the school, the hospital, and the supermarket.”

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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