What is suprasegmental phoneme?
What is suprasegmental phoneme? What are the characteristics of phonemes?
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What is the term accent and intonation?
Given that a phoneme stands for a distinct unit of sound, a suprasegmental phoneme is a defined entirely by accent and intonation, and often occurs with a segmental phoneme.
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word “produce”: pru00f3 – duce (n): agricultural products and especially fresh fruits and vegetables as distinguished from grain and other
staple crops vs. crop.
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The verb is accent in the second syllable. The location of the accent means the segmental phonemes are different between these two words, but the accent itself can easily be considered a suprasegmental phoneme
In English, some of the accents and intonation differ from English. However, other languages have a difference as well. In China, different noises are associated with similar sounding words. As long as the pronunciation is correct
then similar sounding words have very little meaning in these words’ contexts.