What is life in and of itself? What’s it all about?

“It might be different if he were flagging down a passing car or trying to phone for help? In

this sentence, I don’t understand the phrase “in and of itself”. There should be some difference between the prepositions “in” and “of” in this context.

What is the best way to explain things in detail?

How can I help you with a thought?

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2 Answer(s)

Is typing in and of

itself a dramatic activity?

This phrase can be defactorized into two separate phrases

  1. Typing in itself is not inherently dramatic activity.
  2. Is typing a drama?

By definition typing a romantic episode is

very tantalizing and emotionally arousing, but typing is not an inherently dramatic activity. I don’t like typing. I wish there was a software to monitor my mind. Thanks.

What is political suspense?

I need to do a huge amount of research and ensure my invented histories are coherent with actual history. Should I learn one-finger typing but never type anything else?

Is there any information for social media?

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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How do you try to consider an object (or its surroundings) narrowly without including consideration of its connections with other objects or regarding it in context.

If you started taking context and relations to other things into account, then the statement that was qualified by in and of itself might no longer be true (without that qualification).

Iow, literally means abstracting from relations to other things, or looking at the thing narrowly, considering only its intrinsic nature, not also its external relations.

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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