What is it called when someone doesn’t want share stuff/feelings to others, even close ones, in fear of being judged? For a more detailed description of the problem, see the corresponding line with “Duplicate”.
What is a condition that does not
- have an answer, what does it
mean? I’m not specifically talking about fear of intimacy, I’m asking for something more general. The greatest shame in life is not sharing stuff with friends, family too
;( ) so as not to be judged by others in order to gain not respect, etc.
I think this person is emotionally insecure. From Wikipedia “Emotional insecurity
or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself as being vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one’s self-image or ego.”. ”
From Science Simplified – “Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of unease or nervousness that is triggered by perceiving oneself to be worthless, unloved or not good enough. No matter what they do to measure up at least when compared to someone else” “From
Exploring Your Mind” “To better understand the world of emotional insecurity and how it affects us, it’s important to know what it means to be an insecure person. What are the characteristics of emotionally insecure people? Fear of criticism, judgment
- and assessments from others.
- Constant need to show their achievements in order to feel valid and capable.
- It has to do with being perfectionistic and competitive. Typically, the hugi are defensive. Is self-esteem inadequate? Is it because I have low self esteem?
- They believe in spreading fear and terrorism to others. They see some positive messages though and ask about it. What are the most common examples of false humility?
- They distrust themselves. Or the rest can be made up for their mistakes. ”
Where is a simple way to define is: ” A simple way to define is how to express your self. ” “