What is, in your storage room, of little value?

Is it true that every woman doesn’t throw away unnecessary items? Once when a mother opens the shop’s door, he faces lots of not a confused mixture of old things of no use and value. Why, mom!

The storage is full of…..but I don’t know why you don’t have the heart to throw any of them out.

If I

could let you know

which one

of the

above listed words sounds natural in this self-made sentence? At least one of these four choices sounds more common / natural. Any other category that uses this concept would have been the term most common in general. What is a word?

Is it OK if I should run for office in November?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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3 Answer(s)

The first three are all possible, however express a different attitude to how useful the things might be.

How is all of “junk” useless,

and what is the ‘whole’ waste?

“Brica-brac” implies that it might be of value to somebody, perhaps to a collector.

Of course, these might not be meant literally: in context, we might say “junk” even if we know there is some valuable stuff there, but we just want it gone. I think “junk” is the most likely word in context. I don’t know what the word is, just a thought.

What is a mismash? Why is this word used in foreign publications? To me it’s not a description of physical objects, but of how something is organized (or not organised). How do I describe the Mishmash

of Myriad Things in English?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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What’s the word “rought” you usually use when you describe a word?

In video board games, more pieces become available. At the end of a game, one may have a stack of “cruft”, pieces that were valuable in the previous game, but now are not very valuable compared to the other pieces. In that case the player might have a stack!

Is the storage unit useful anymore?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Clutter. That can be very hard to describe.

All those things are cluttering up the storage cupboard. By definition, if something is useful, it isn’t clutter, it is just being stored.

I have a very powerful memory, even though I have nothing of it.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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