What “is a curse only for the first letter” is offensive against other characters?
What are some examples of foul language in media? I understand the need to blur nudity, but when it comes to blurring F-words I don’t see the sense of it. When you write off, you simply introduce a new synonym for a foul term. If causing a blur, the words in the blurred words are required by law, then the word in question should be blurred in time. Is that correct?
Isn’t that a cultural oddity of the English language?
What the trends on technology include vs. technology?
Isn’t this a convention that allows people to have their cake and eat it?
Whoever is reading this text is fooled by asterisks or blanks? Using them creates the look that the word has been made less shocking or offensive.
Is there a form of hypocrisy or fake propriety that has been accepted and integrated into many English-speaking cultures, or even enforced by laws or regulations that prohibit the use of explicit expletives?