What exactly does the opening volley of a war between mean?

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/heres-know-todays-apparent-confrontation-191340560. Source: http://www.heres’know-todays-apparent-confrontation. Does

the Moscow-supported separatists have a right to take all the blame for the current conflict between Kiev and Ukrainian separatist groups?

How do you understand the ” opening volley” of war?

What is the best way to get a feel for a person?

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2 Answer(s)

“Opening volley” means the first shot fired in any given direction between Russia and Ukranian. What’s the definition for volley, the number of bullets, arrows and other projectiles discharged at a time?

So the Roman forces took over when a group of arrows made contact with the enemy.

The army still fires a volley of bullets at the enemy base.

Is a group of soldiers fired simultaneously upon a commander’s orders?

Answered on May 31, 2021.
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“Opening volley” means the first shot fired in any given direction between Russia and Ukranian. What’s the definition for volley, the number of bullets, arrows and other projectiles discharged at a time?

So the Roman forces took over when a group of arrows made contact with the enemy.

The army still fires a volley of bullets at the enemy base.

Is a group of soldiers fired simultaneously upon a commander’s orders?

Answered on June 1, 2021.
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