What does “who is but the form following the function of what” mean?
What’s the best sentence of Alan Moore’s life? I can understand that it somehow means that who has the same function as what
or something like that but I don’t understand how that structure means that, I would also appreciate other examples of such structure. I also understand something like I'm but a very brilliant guy
for me because I’m nothing but a brilliant guy.
The video below is from the movie “V for vendetta”. Evey asks about him and says his eyes always light up and he is the only man wearing a mask.
Who are you? Who is v. | Who is v.? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask
of silence.
When people say that who they are doesn’t matter is that there is no point in being who they are. Why do people actually do what they do? What is the work that a human being does? What count for nothing. Who we are follows from that “What
we do matters”
When people say that who they are doesn’t matter is that there is no point in being who they are. Why do people actually do what they do? What is the work that a human being does? What count for nothing. Who we are follows from that “What
we do matters”