What does this sentence mean, especially the word subject to.?
Subject to you meeting any outstanding non-academic conditions. Can
someone rewrite this sentence so that I can better understand, especially the usage of the word subject in this case?
Subject to you meeting any outstanding non-academic conditions.
If you take care of your non-academic obligations (if you have any).
Subject means dependent on;
Adj 2. And aj 3. And subject means dependent on: Depend on. A separate legal entity is required to enter into a merger with one of its shareholders. The merger are due approval by the shareholder. Please provide such details below. ie=UTF-8&q=define+subject&gfe_rd=cr&ei=P7q5V5eRBs2A2QTPmYyIBQ
Your sentence might mean that you can get your degree if you have paid your tuition, etc.
Subject to you meeting any outstanding non-academic conditions.
If you take care of your non-academic obligations (if you have any).
Subject means dependent on;
Adj 2. And aj 3. And subject means dependent on: Depend on. A separate legal entity is required to enter into a merger with one of its shareholders. The merger are due approval by the shareholder. Please provide such details below. ie=UTF-8&q=define+subject&gfe_rd=cr&ei=P7q5V5eRBs2A2QTPmYyIBQ
Your sentence might mean that you can get your degree if you have paid your tuition, etc.
Subject to you meeting any outstanding non-academic conditions.
If you take care of your non-academic obligations (if you have any).
Subject means dependent on;
Adj 2. And aj 3. And subject means dependent on: Depend on. A separate legal entity is required to enter into a merger with one of its shareholders. The merger are due approval by the shareholder. Please provide such details below. ie=UTF-8&q=define+subject&gfe_rd=cr&ei=P7q5V5eRBs2A2QTPmYyIBQ
Your sentence might mean that you can get your degree if you have paid your tuition, etc.