What does “stand by your pledge” mean?

Does it mean “keep a pledge”. What is “keep a promise”? What does it mean to stand beside a pledge? If so, it might be something like a metaphor.

Asked on March 2, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

The Merriam-Webster has three meanings for stand by–1: to

be or remain loyal to me and stand by
my vow, 1: not to be ‘just’ other than by my promise’.
He stood by a friend.

2: To have witnessed
We watched the fight, at times.

I need assistance 7 times and will stand
by to help. 3. To be or get ready to act I’ll stand by to help. 8. I’ll ask my best friend on a different planet about my future.

Since plegde is very similar to promise (promise), the first sense fits best. So your guess expressed in

Does it mean “keep a pledge/promise”?

Is the

truth true?

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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