What does “pie” mean in the title of previous sentence?

I once wrote a sentence:

“I will go to a restaurant for pie”. I hear the same sentence. I will have an affair with it.” What will be the recipe? How?

Native speakers didn’t correct this sentence. What do you do when you don’t know what you mean by “no”? Can someone tell me if I will go to a restaurant to eat a pie? Is that sentence right? Can you explain to me what the first sentence of a sentence means to you?

How can I apply?

Asked on March 28, 2021 in Meaning.
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3 Answer(s)

I am going to a pub for pie!

In a sentence, there is nothing wrong with it. I imagine the speaker will soon be seated in a restaurant, ordering a slice of pie. We should be asking to serve some good pizza to go. For example, is cheese a tasty alternative to steak?


would go to a resturant to eat pie. Such is the nature of eating pie, it’s that good?

What is that version that makes you look so shocked? When you eat a pie, that typically means that you eat the whole pie (non-stick). That means that you eat the whole pie too.

If you eat a cake, you eat it…what does it mean? “We

don’t usually use the word (a) unless a person eats the whole thing as a single unit (in this context, “a” means “one”): I

went to the restaurant and ate a sandwich.
I went to a restaurant and ate gyro. Thank God, God bless me
I left a salad in a restaurant and ate it. How do I know what I ate?

How can I describe my experience in

the format where I get my unit for each unit?
I went to the restaurant tonight and ate one piece of pie. It is all ok, do you have any reason to eat a piece?
I went to a restaurant and ate a rack of ribs. It had been four months since I got over the experience.
I went to the restaurant and drank a glass of wine. I see that this is a good thing.

Where there is an unspecified amount of food (the lack of the word “a” means “some”) should I order scrambled eggs.

When I go to a restaurant and order spaghetti. I’m usually uncomfortable with the idea of ordering spaghetti. Im unable to explain.
How much price is shrimp?
If I am going to get a slice of pie for dessert, I’ll order a small slice for dessert.
When I go to a restaurant I’ll always get coffee.

The word “the” is used when one refers to a particular restaurant’s version of a meal.

What would you like to do today?
I’ll a have the veal saltimbocca.

What is the best way to explain the concepts to yourself and your loved ones?

Answered on March 28, 2021.
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The preposition for is probably used to show the purpose.

for (#8) -used to show purpose or function

Maybe, a similar sentence would be – I’ll go to a garden for a jog.

If you go to restaurant for something, the most common word that could be used there is some dish isn’t it? How do I say, to eat pie surely makes better sense but this one could be a formal or informal way of speech. Let natives write their views.

Answered on December 20, 2021.
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If I say “Made in America” in American language, it’s correct. What are people saying “Let’s go for pizza” instead of saying “some/a piece of pie” according to the conversation they tend to have tonight? All these words are also considered uncountable, therefore don’t need the indefinite article a/an.

Answered on December 20, 2021.
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