What does “met in middle” mean in this title?
And these weird clones met in the middle
I don’t completely understand What Meeting What (or maybe who?) into the middle?
Does it refer to the clones that meet themselves in the middle between rising Doom and dying Amiga? Would the Falling Duma and the dying Amiga meet?
What are some of your ideas? :(,
:(, hehehehe), :(,.(, )/)( )( )(, :(),(,(:(,( )( )( )(12 9]*(| ((=)*((((*2+!)**)()(_-(u00a3)+(Via/Apias you))
When the FPS genre was born, where was the “middle”? As the Commodore Amiga was on the decline because its graphics capabilities were being surpassed by new technology, and as the Doom was on the ascendant, running on this new more powerful hardware, followers of the Doom FPS experience (Poom, Gloom, Alien Breed, etc) appeared on the scene. They run on the Amiga & offered Amiga owners an FPS-like experience albeit with somewhat inferior graphics.
Will we get to the background stage? Dolorean clones refer to clones and curses. What is the name of a first-person shooter in the late 1990s? Several of these games were seen as copying Doom, which is where the name comes from.
The article links to a video about Doom clones on the Amiga. Is the Amiga a popular computer technology? Unlike the Big Sam Band, they had very strong fan base and advanced multimedia features. Why wasn’t the Amiga a popular platform?
As a subtitle does the title of an article try to establish the time, circumstances and subject of the video? Dangerous demons came to life 15 years ago and the game quickly became popular. In 1994 Commodore declared bankruptcy, which mostly killed Amigas. Did Doom clones work outside Gamma’s system?
The title starts with a contrast and draws a connection between them and that comparison is still a connection between me and the title. Is this a good idea? Very sad title is not very grammatical. I understand that the word meeting requires two nouns. What will it take to find the middle? I know it sounds strange, but it’s what some people use it for. Apparently, “these strange clones were in the middle” might have been the best thing that could have happened, instead of saying “these weird clones were in the middle” of truth. I know that many people who did the video comments
on my page don’t know what it is.
The primary idiomatic meaning of meet in the middle is to compromise, especially when negotiating a price. If you willingly allow me to sell a used car and ask $10,000, and I want $5,000, we would meet in the middle by agreeing to a price of $7,500. Another phrase for meeting halfway () is also meet halfway ().
The phrase’s use in the title of the web page is evil. If Doom is to be created with graphics that the Amiga does not support, how? Thus many people wrote clones of Doom that sacrificed some quality in order to run on an Amiga. Thus for the Doom clones, there is a sort of compromise between his requirements and the Amiga hardware. In reality, but the Amiga seems to find itself meeting Doom and the Atom in the middle. It doesn’t make sense to say that the clones “met” in the middle! As you observed, parties meet each other; the clones did not meet anyone or anything, nor did some clones meet other clones.
So, you should probably learn the phrase from other examples, not this one. Here is a very typical example (search for “in the middle”), and here is a typical example not involving money.