What does it mean if I am dishonest or misrepresenting someone’s point of view publicly for personal gain?
How is being politically correct: The politician declared that my research showed that I supported the proposition, but really
he was just _______
A quote from Quora that ” was just cherry picking or picking and choosing your work/data/words/ words out of context. Cherry
picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that appear to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. ” (from Wikipedia)
pick and choose — to take only what you want from a group… You cannot pick and choose which rules to accept and which to ignore. “From The Free Dictionary, citing Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003) ”
(from The Free Dictionary, citing Wikipedia)
Of course he was just twisting my position (to twist means to alter the meaning of something).
Clinton: Don’t twist
my position on gay marriage On Wednesday, impatiently tells
an interviewer to stop “playing with my words” after she was pressed to explain her change of heart.
What kinds of thoughts can be had by all kinds of people at any given time?
I supported the position of a politician who claimed that his research had shown that I supported it, but really he was just slanting the facts.
. to interpret or present in line with a special interest ; angle ; especially : to maliciously or dishonestly distort or falsify
HeIn foreign affairs, it has been widely reported that the Bush administration slanted the intelligence about the possibility of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction
Freedom republic:
What is the ethos behind freedom republic?